
Bhutan Network Operators Group (btNOG) is an informal group set up to provide an educational and operational forum for Internet network operators and interested professionals/engineers related to the Internet’s technologies and operational practices to discuss matters of mutual interest, exchange technical information, and learning, and discuss specific implementation issues, usually through a combination of a mailing list and annual meetings.

btNOG is open to all ISPs and Internet-related organizations in Bhutan and also from around the world. As such it has no owners, just a small group of dedicated individuals who look after the mailing list and organize the regular meetings.

While the main objective is educational, especially given Bhutan’s remoteness and economic viability, our primary goal is also to encourage human networking to promote collaboration among local and international ICT professionals to create a conducive environment to exchange operational best practices and technology trends.

It is with this guiding spirit that btNOG invites people from both the local and international community to contribute either as workshop instructors and/or sharing experiences through conference presentations.

btNOG meetings are held once in a year.

Contact Us

Email: btnog-coord@nog.bt