Workshops : 5-8th, June

Date : Monday – Thursday (5th – 8th), June 2023

btNOG10 is planning to offer the following three parallel workshops. Each workshop will run for four days and participants need to attend all four days of their chosen workshop.

The topic areas and details of each below are provided as a guideline only. Details will be updated in the coming weeks once the topics, instructors, and content are finalised.

IPv6 Deployment

This training course is designed for those who are wishing to learn more about IPv6 for deployment in an operational network. The course is designed for network engineers who are considering deploying IPv6 across their infrastructure and to their end-users.

Trainer: Warren Finch (APNIC), Dave Phelan (APNIC), Md. Abdul Awal (APNIC)

For more information and the workshop agenda, please consult the workshop website.

Network Automation

This training course introduces the principles of Network Automation for network engineers who wish to learn more about automating many of the tedious tasks involved in the day to day operation of a network. The course introduces Docker, Ansible, YAML, GIT, and the writing of playbooks to carry out tasks. It also covers the integration of common network tools and Gitlab CI/CD pipelines.

Trainer: Anurag Bhatia (Hurricane Electric)
Co-Trainer: Kinga Lhaden Drakpa (Tashi InfoComm Ltd.), Tshetum Dorji (Bhutan Telecom Limited)

For more information and the workshop agenda, please visit the link here.

Layer 1-3 Networking (Lastmile Wireless & Optics)

This training course covers Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 concepts of TCP/IP stack. The course will introduce all relevant technologies in Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3.

Trainer: Tashi Phuntsho (btNOG), Karma Jamyang (DrukREN)
Co-Trainer: Phurpa Rinchen (Bhutan Telecom Ltd.)

For more information and the workshop agenda, please visit the link here.